컨트롤러경로 : /module/Controller/Front/Goods/GoodsViewController.php
/** * This is commercial software, only users who have purchased a valid license * and accept to the terms of the License Agreement can install and use this * program. * * Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade Godomall5 to newer * versions in the future. * * @copyright ⓒ 2016, NHN godo: Corp. * @link http://www.godo.co.kr */ namespace Controller\Front\Goods; use Component\Board\Board; use Component\Board\BoardBuildQuery; use Component\Board\BoardList; use Component\Board\BoardWrite; use Component\Naver\NaverPay; use Component\Page\Page; use Component\Promotion\SocialShare; use Component\Mall\Mall; use Framework\Debug\Exception\AlertRedirectException; use Framework\Debug\Exception\Except; use Framework\Debug\Exception\AlertBackException; use Component\Validator\Validator; use Message; use Globals; use Request; use Logger; use Session; use Exception; use Endroid\QrCode\QrCode as EndroidQrCode; use SocialLinks\Page as SocialLink; use FileHandler; use App; class GoodsViewController extends \Bundle\Controller\Front\Goods\GoodsViewController { public $db; /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function index() { $this->db = \App::load('DB'); $goodsNo = Request::get()->get('goodsNo'); $strSQL = "SELECT externalVimeoFl, externalVimeoUrl FROM es_goods WHERE goodsNo = '$goodsNo' "; $result = $this->db->query($strSQL); $data = $this->db->fetch($result); $this->setData('viemourl', $data['externalVimeoUrl']); // echo "
"; // print_r($data);exit; parent::index(); // //DB 호출 // $goods = \App::load('\\Component\\Goods\\Goods'); // $goodsNo = Request::get()->get('goodsNo'); // $data = $goods->getGoodsInfo($goodsNo); // print_r($data); exit; // $viemourl = $data['externalVimeoUrl']; // $this->setData('viemourl', $viemourl); } }